Programming Interface


Testing - commands and classes for writing tests


package require Itcl
package require Testing

itcl::class MyTests {
    inherit Testing::TestObject

    method test_passing {} {
        puts "Hello, I pass!"

    method test_failing {} {
        error "Hello, I'm about to fail!"

    method test_with_assertion {} {
        set a 0
        set b 1

        # will raise ::Testing::AssertionFailed
        ::Testing::assert {$a == $b}

    ::Testing::constraints {umts} {
        method test_umts_connectivity {} {
            # test code ...

exit [[MyTests #auto] run $::argv]


Testing::TestObject is the base class for all native tests written using the Caius framework. While it is not mandatory to derive tests from the TestObject class, it is highly recommended, as it provides built-in test execution and reporting functionality via its run method.


namespace Testing

assert { expression }
Assert that expression is true. If not, raise a ::Testing::AssertionFailed exception. The given expression is evaluated as by if.
constraints constraints body
Executes the body of code at the current stack level if all constraints are satisfied. For example
::Testing::constraints {unix nonRoot} {
    # code executed if platform is Unix and user not root

Constraints can be set or unset with the set_constraint command. There are a number of pre-defined constraints:

Test or code block only runs on a Unix platform (includes Mac OS X).
Test or code block only works on MS Windows.
Constraint to temporarily disable tests or code on Unix.
Constraint to temporarily disable tests or code on Windows.
Indicate that a test or block of code crashes on Unix.
Indicate that a test or block of code crashes on Windows.
Indicate that a test is empty, maybe to serve as a template or to be filled in later.
Indicate that a test is known to fail.
Indicate that a test is not portable.
Indicate that a test requires user interaction.
The host platform uses 64 bit pointers (typically this indicates that the OS itself is 64 bit, as well).
Test requires common Unix tools. This tests for cat, echo, sh, wc, rm, sleep, fgrep, ps, chmod, mkdir.
Test requires superuser privileges on Unix.
Test must be run in an unprivileged account.
set_constraint constraint boolean
Enable or disable constraint.
test_constraints constraints
Test given list of constraints and return 1 if all constraints are satisfied or 0 otherwise.

itcl::class Testing::TestObject

method run ?-f report_format? ?test test ...?
Execute the listed test methods and output test results in the given report_format, which must be one of junit, text, xml or zero. If no tests are explicitely listed, execute all methods in the class starting with the prefix test.
method list_tests
Return a list of all available test methods on the given TestObject.
method setup_before [interface]
If implemented, this method is called once on entry to the test module.
method teardown_after [interface]
If implemented, this method is called once after the last test in the module has finished.
method setup [interface]
If implemented, this method is invoked before each test.
method teardown [interface]
If implemented, this method is invoked after each test.


All methods starting with the prefix test are considered test cases and automatically invoked by the run method.

